Art and Narrative play an important role in sustaining forms of Oppression, like Caste in Hindu-India.
The Hinduism that is also called Sanatan Dharma (Eternal Religion) appears to based on Epics and Stories, which is mythology given its fantastical nature, but is most often claimed as history by the Sanatanists. The recent rise of Hindutva is anchored on one such Epic, called the Ramayana (Legend of Rama) revealing the power of these myths, and their images, stories and their formal constituents and structures on the Hindu-Indian psyche.
detail from series “hindi imposition”
translation: search for reality
While the Hindutva regime is criticised for imposing the language Hindi on linguistically diverse population of India, the last Hindi keyboard ever made was a typewriter.
How many Indian languages can be typed as directly as you think through them?
If we take Books II-VI of the Ramayana and leave out of consideration Books I and VII, which are admitted to be later additions, we shall see that the main substance of the poem is secular. Rama is only a good and great man, a high-souled hero, who utilised the services of the aboriginal tribes in civilising the south, and not an avatar of Visnu [a Later/Post Vedic god]. […] In the second stage […] There is an attempt to make Rama an avatar of Visnu.
—Epic Philosophy, S Radhakrishnan, Indian Philosophy Vol1
Kamayani (Hindi : कामायनी) (1936) is a Hindi epic poem (Mahakavya) by Jaishankar Prasad (1889–1937). It is considered one of the greatest literary works written in modern times in Hindi literature. It also signifies the epitome of Chhayavadi school of Hindi poetry which gained popularity in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
wiki // Kumar, Ashish (2022). "Myth, Mystery and Metaphor: An Allegorical Anatomisation of Jaishankar Prasad's Kamayani" (PDF). International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts. 10 (8): 975–978. JSTOR 23330218.
wiki // Kumar, Ashish (2022). "Myth, Mystery and Metaphor: An Allegorical Anatomisation of Jaishankar Prasad's Kamayani" (PDF). International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts. 10 (8): 975–978. JSTOR 23330218.
Kamayani means
Shram: Labours; Sramana: Who labours or toils for religious and/or philosophical purpose.