The Culture which calls its Makers
Sudra (unknowledeable, menial and insignificant)
That Culture is itself
Knowledge-less and Backward
The Nation whose Culture is Slavery
That Nation itself is up for Sale
in the World Market

How will we save this Culture?!

Big people (from oppressor castes) own estates
with Bamboo Plantations
People from Dom and Bind caste
Cultivate that Bamboo
and Weave various forms of Baskets
like Dauri, Jhonpi and Soop
among other uses, these Baskets
are used for Threshing
from the Fields to Home, these Baskets
separate the Edible from Inedible

yet the Makers (of these Baskets)
are treated as untouchables
yet the Makers (of these baskets)
are treated as backward

Blacksmiths use Leather Bellows
an Equipment made by the Cobblers
Action becomes Fire
Fire Melts the Metal
glowing Metal is Sculpted
by Hammering
to Make Leather cutting Blades (Katarni)
to Carve Jackets from Animal Skin
yet the Makers (of Tools and Leather)
are treated as untouchables
yet the Makers (of Tools and Leather)
are treated as backward

Horse and Donkey made the Mule
(Hindi word for caste: Jati also means Species)
But inter-marrying of castes creates tension
(as if different caste is different species of humans)

Look at the Mule,
how skilled and talented they are!
yet they are only
abused and tormented

Get Lost, You Mule
No No No, Just Joking
Please don’t leave me

They robbed us of our Stories
They portrayed us as Monsters
and decorated themselves as Heroes 
They portrayed us as Animals
(maybe because...)
I Work with all my limbs
my Legs are as Skilled as my Arms
my Body, my Mind, my Intellect,
my Spirit, Works together

Ram was not the name of any King
Ram was the name of a Bhangi, a Dalit
Which is why even today, in my country
Many Dalits have ‘Ram’ surname
For instance, Jagjiwan Ram,
Chatman Ram, Gharbharman Ram
This word ‘Ram’ was stolen
The word ‘Ram’ was first appropriated
as the name of a King
and then as the name of a God

When I was a child
Uncle Ghurfekan had told me this

Slavery is selling
in the name of Culture