jangayek.txt is an ongoing project in which excerpts from historical texts, folk-aurality, and other documents and experiences are shared between collaborators. Given below are few examples of sharings:
jangayek.txt is an ongoing project in which excerpts from historical texts, folk-aurality, and other documents and experiences are shared between collaborators. Given below are few examples of sharings:
1.ई केहू कहे जो बनउला (बनावटी, नक़ली) बात ह, तेकरा खातिर बनउवा भी ह। कईसे? जउना कुआँ के जल ऊख में पटावल जाला, ओही कुआँ का जल में मरीचा पाटेला, ऊँख के मीठ आ मरीचा के तीत कई डेला। [बिखारी ठाकुर, बिदेसिया]
2.Buddhist text Śārdūlakarnāvadãna speaks of pleasure and pain: sahāsthimāmsāh sanakhāh sacarma- ņo duhkham sukham mūtrapurīşam ekam I pañcendriyair nāsti yato vi-seșaņam tasmān na vai varnacatuşka eșah //."[All humans] have bones and flesh, nails and skin; their pleasure, pain, urine and feces are one. Since there is [among them] no difference with respect to the five faculties [for example], there is no fourfold division into varnas or castes." [...] Vajrasūcī (Weber's translations): (paraphrased) species(jati~caste) is differentiated only when animals and bird have uniquely different shapes, forms and configurations; Same for plants and trees; Such differentiations are not found in humans, hence they belong to the same natural jati(~caste). [Biological arguments: animal and plant species; Caste and Buddhist Philosophy; Vincent Eltschinger]
3. Sunil (Sadargali, Noon Ka Chauraha, PatnaSaheb, Bihar) makes a tool for de-hairing animal hide. Photo by Kashyap.
4.In order to melt the ore, the Madigas [Leather-workers] designed the leather blowpipe (for Blacksmiths) […] Many industrial mechanisms were worked out based on the same principle of physics (used in the blowpipe). [Marriage between Iron and Leather,
Kancha Ilaiah]