Puranabad ka naksa / Puranabad’s map
Recycled cardboard made from Puranabad’s garbage and sewage waters
Puranabad ka naksa is an olfactory map.
Puranabad, as the name suggests is an old, populated, and prosperous place [purana: old, historical + abad: prosperous, populated].
History stinks bad, because of being recycled again and again from civilizational residue or waste, using the sewage waters from the same population, returning materially, what was discarded, while as image, an unrelated simulation is pasted on top of it.
Puranabad ka naksa (or a variety of cardboard that smells really bad) is the material used as back-ground for images of god, or whatever other simulations (like nature, garden, horses, mansion, etc) people of Puranabad use to help them forget their real lives. It is the same material often used for delivery cartons and packaging.